인사 시스템(The HR system)

HR system

The HR system provides the basis for managing people in an organization in order to achieve the results required. The core of the system comprises a set of interrelated and jointly supportive HRM practices or activities. The organization’s context (its internal and external environments) governs the range and nature of these activities and its people management philosophy, strategies, and policies.

HR 시스템은 필요한 성과를 달성하기 위해 조직 내 인력을 관리하기 위한 기반을 제공합니다. 시스템의 핵심은 상호 연관되고 공동으로 지원하는 일련의 HRM 관행 또는 활동으로 구성됩니다. 조직의 상황(내부 및 외부 환경)에 따라 이러한 활동의 범위와 성격, 인재 관리 철학, 전략 및 정책이 결정됩니다.

A strong HR system

A ‘strong’ HR system is.to ensure a more effective implementation of HRM practices.

The HRM system is perceived as high in distinctiveness, consistency, and consensus, it will create a strong situation’.a strong HRM system can significantly affect firm performance by creating powerful, focused organizational cultures that help to structure and direct employee behaviour and effort towards desired organizational goals.

HRM 시스템이 차별성, 일관성, 공감대가 높다고 인식되면 강력한 상황을 만들 수 있다'고 말하며, 강력한 HRM 시스템은 직원들의 행동과 노력을 원하는 조직 목표를 향해 구조화하고 유도하는 데 도움이 되는 강력하고 집중적인 조직 문화를 만들어 기업 성과에 큰 영향을 미칠 수 있다고 설명합니다.

The components of an HR system are as follows;

The components of an HR system are above:

● HR strategies delineate the expected trajectory for HRM across its primary domains of activity. The notion of strategic human resource management underscores the necessity of aligning HR plans with company strategies to guarantee that the former facilitates the attainment of organizational objectives. It emphasizes the necessity of integrating methods that encompass many facets of human resources.

Stakeholder interests

The system needs to satisfy the interests of stakeholders.

Corporate social responsibility

Organizations exercise corporate social responsibility (CSR) when they conduct their business in an ethical way, considering the social, environmental and economic impact of how they operate, and going beyond compliance.

Values for managing people

Organizations and the HR function within them should be value-driven. The values should be based on the belief that people are valuable in themselves as well as sources of value.

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